We are a boutique law firm situated in the surf town of Jeffrey's Bay. We are attorneys that sell property in Jeffrey's Bay, St Francis Bay, and Cape St Francis. We assist with the selling of homes, transfer of properties, deceased estates, last wills and testaments, FICA compliance, and various legal contracts.
The deep sense of community values inspires us to go above and beyond for our clients, family, and friends. We pride ourselves in being an innovative law firm that services the community by not only being attorneys but also attorneys who sell homes.
Attorneys that sell homes make a lot of sense! As legal professionals, attorneys can guide you through the entire process from marketing and selling your home, right through to the end when the property is transferred. Most importantly attorneys are capable of dealing with any issues that may pop up along the way.
"If you don't like what you see, then be the change you seek"
~Jonathan Kleinhans~